Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy new year!!!!

Luckiest woman ever.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Funny Face

I used a tool to make the balloons shinier. I think it turned out well

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tammy and the Bachleor

Very cute movie that made me look up pictures of the charming Debbie Reynolds.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

YAY! Finals are over!

Color Instructions:

!. Click either new layer background or duplicate layer--either will work.
2. Click Image at top bar: Mode: RGB (don't flatten)
3. Choose the color you want to paint with
4. Choose the brush and paint on the transparent layer.
5. Choose Layer: Layer Styles: Blending options: Blend Mode (dropdown box)
Click on either color burn (to darken), overlay (truer color) or color
5. Click okay. Where you've painted will look "real". You can continue painting.
If color gets out of place, use eraser to remove it.

I used a picture of myself when I drew this, and tweaked a bit here and there, like changing the dress and adding the hat and pearls. I love it in person, it's so-so on the internet.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More Peter Pan Drawings

I've decided that I want to make my own illustrations for my favorite book, Peter Pan.
Here are some designs I made for Tink.